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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Twitter is Trouble, Frances is Out For Blood, Courtney Loses

Singer and actress, Courtney Love has deleted her Twitter account. She deleted it because she is now being sued by a former friend/designer, Dawn Simorangkir.

Apparently, Courtney (allegedly) made malicious tweets on her page about the designer. Calling her names, and making threats back in March.

The woman is suing, which I think is out right rediculous. So, someone said some things about you. Do you honestly think they're true? Do you honestly think Courtney is going to go out of her way to attack you? Well, she may, but you're taking it too far, Ms. Simorangkir.

These were two of the apparent Tweets:

  -"oi vey don't f**k with my wardrobe or you will end up in a circle of corched earth hunted til your dead"
-"as one of her many bullied victims smashes her face soon as she's an assault addict herself (there's apparently prostitution in her record too"

And these were supposedly on Courtney's MySpace:

-"i promise you, within a few weeks, Madeoff will seem warm and fuzzy"

-"I can't afford this s**t 2 lifes too short for mean girls/homophobes/racists/untrained women who attach a piece of chiffon to an d dress and call it worth thousand of dollars"

If you ask me, these don't seem like something to get too angry over. It's small talk. Who cares?

Simorangkir's complaint says:

"Whether caused by drug-induced psychosis, a warped understanding of reality, or the belief that money and fame allow her to disregard the law, Love has embarked on what is nothing short of an obsessive and delusional crusade to destroy Simorangkir's reputation and her livelihood."

Wow, you're an independent designer!! It's not like you're so well known or anything!!

Courtney deleted both her Twitter accounts. Her daughter Frances Bean Cobain (pictured below with her mother) also deleted hers shortly after.

Frances Bean didn't leave Twitter peacefully, however. Upon deleting her account, she went on a rant about Lindsay Lohan's kid sister, Ali (pictured below). I find this quite odd, because Courtney and Lindsay were supposed to be friends.

Frances allegedly said:

-"Your not entitled to anything simply because your sister has a recognizable name. Your idea of fame isn't fame. It's infamy. You want to be famous? Work your a** off and make decisions that could potentially catapult your career into a lasting one."

-"You lack the talent, social understanding and credibility to be anything other then infamous."

-"it will be the formality of fame that puts you on the covers of tabloids, while the public idly watches you plumit into the murky abyss shared with the likes of [something was cut out] & Jon Gosslin who, i'm sure, will steal your money whilst there."

-"people like You ali lohan are rendering the world of true talent by attempting to make your entitled a** noticed."

-"You blatently don't care how your recognized, its the objective to get famous and that is what makes you replaceable and a recycled idea."

-"Well, im ashamed to have to be grouped into the same category of person as you. I would rather die a most painful death the be associated with the kind of careere your trying to make for your self."

You go Frances!! Ali is nothing but a spoiled little brat, trying to be famous like her sister. That whole Lohan family is annoying. Lindsay I can stand a little.

But, in the middle of all of this, Courtney Love has lost custody of 17 year old Frances Bean Cobain. Frances is now going to live with her grandmother, Wendy O'Connor and her aunt, Kimberly, who are related to her through her deceased father, Nirvana frontman, Kurt Cobain (pictured below).

It is said that she hasn't completely lost custody of her child. The reasons for her loss are undisclosed.


In conclusion, I hope I don't get sued over anything I said in this blog. Ali, you're no match for Frances. Courtney, I support you.

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