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Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Orleans Says It's Too "Classy" For Reality Show

I'm not here to defend the show itself.
I'm here to call New Orleans out on some BS.

Apparently, New Orleans is a little upset that Oxygen chose to film its reality show, Bad Girls Club within its streets.

This is absolutely hilarious being that the producers of the show are the same people who produce MTV's The Real World.

Real World has been filmed in the city of New Orleans.


The latest one was aired and filmed in 2010.

The show's concept is along the same lines as BGC, and featured a pretty wild bunch.

This city should be proud that anyone wants to film there let alone even visit.


Apparently, the cast and crew who have been filming the show's 7th season (the show is normally filmed in Los Angeles with the exception of one season in Miami) have been banned from at least 8 local bars and clubs.

One club promoter said that the clubs don't want to be associated with the show's "bad reputation."
One club said that they were "classy," and that the show was "trashy" when denying the cast and crew entry for a Mardi Gras party they were hosting.

Yeah, Mardi Gras.

Not only  is New Orleans full of voodoo and witchcraft, but it is also host to the biggest, trashiest party in the U.S.!!

The party that is so trashy that it has an episode of Cops dedicated to it.

But that's not it!! 

The city  of Kenner where the actual BGC7 house sits is also giving the show a hassle.

Claiming that it would violate their ridiculous city laws that state that no more than 4 unrelated persons may reside under one roof.

It's said that the show has also been fined for a tent and trailer on the property that violated city laws as well.

But New  Orleans is right.

Why would you want 7 women who get drunk and fight in a large house

Or at the beach

Or even the club at times?

They'd rather have haggard girls hanging out of buildings

topless sex on the street

These are the people that they want representing them.

The only reality shows allowed are those that waste police officer's time by calling them over about people urinating on other people's tooth brushes.

Jemmye from Real World: New Orleans 2010 is seen striking cast mate, Knight in the face inside the house on the show.

Not to mention her drunken episodes.

McKenzie on the show, would drink so much that she would regularly black out.

Housemate, Ryan, stole another roommate's percocets and was seen high and acting erratically on national television!! 

He also threatened to become violent with housemate, Preston, on more than one ocassion.

Not to mention, Jemmye and Knight, the two cast members who stayed in New Orleans after the show, were arrested in Florida for a club brawl with bouncers.

(Jemmye's black eye from a bouncer)

But this

 (Cooking the fish from the fish tank)
 (Dice on the street)

Is way more acceptable than this

Or is it?

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