So, I write for my school's newspaper, The Chaparral, and I am also the editor of the Entertainment page.
It has been sort of fun and exciting so far.
Minus the head editors.
The two of them (one male, one female) are on their high horses, and they need someone to knock them off.
And I think it's my destiny.
To protect their identities, I will name the female, Athena, and the male, Zeus.
Athena thinks EVERY guy wants her.
Supposedly, they're ALWAYS staring at her.
She says that every story that is turned into her to edit for the paper sucks.
As if she writes PERFECT stories!!
She is also embarrassed of her own race!!
Her mother is half Native American and half caucasian.
Her father is black.
She always tells us not to interview the black guys for the question of the week for the school paper.
I have an idea: She's embarrassed to be black!!
She says you can't understand them with their "dirty south" accents (a lot of the football players at school are southern).
Who cares?!
How ignorant.
She's one of them Orange County gals so it makes sense.
And p.s. You're not cool because your dad is a has been television star.
Zeus is a two-faced, kiss ass.
He'll talk major head behind your back, and ask you if everything is cool the next day.
At least Athena didn't try to act fake. She and I are just cordial. I don't think we like each other.
But Zeus? No.
He wants to be a trash talker AND your friend.
He thinks he writes the best stories as well.
He thinks he's cool since he knows people who I graduated with.
Always telling me about how he's going to hang out with them blah, blah, blah.
Listen up, Zeus: I didn't talk to those people in high school!!!
I could care less!!
And p.s. That girl doesn't want you. You do not have a chance. So stop clinging onto her.
I never really liked the two from jump street.
I just tolerated them at first.
Until their asses wanted to get rowdy with me in front of the WHOLE class (all 10 of us that is).
They want us to turn in our stories earlier than needed to make their lives easier. Um no.
Athena decided to attack me out of the blue one day.
"Erik, do you have your story?"
"Erik, I think I'm going to write your story for you."
Erique, Jr.:
"Why would you write my story for me?"
"Because you're always picking your nose, messing around, and I want it to get done."
First of all, this was 3 days prior to the story deadline.
Second, I may the class clown, BUT I GET MY SHIT DONE!!
Remember that!!
So, we began to argue.
Normally I get rowdy fast, but I was calm.
She threw stuff, and started yelling and cursing!!
The whole class was now quiet and staring.
Some laughing.
Zeus decided to break it up.
Which is fine.
HOWEVER, he ALSO decided to put his two cents in.
Listen up Zeus: DO NOT COSIGN!!
If you're not going to evenly break up an argument, then don't make it seem like you are.
If you're there to cosign, you're there to cosign.
However, you made the mistake of cosigning on an argument with me.
No, sir.
The situation ended with her taking my story to write, and her giving me another story to write instead.
I was a little upset so I was just sitting in silence while the rest of the class was working on their pages.
Every couple of minutes, Zeus would look over and whisper: "Erik"
When I would look, he'd raise his eyebrows, and move his hands in a writing motion.
I do not need you telling me what to do!!
I just got the story 10 minutes ago!!
Do you honestly think I'm going to have it done by TODAY let alone THIS CLASS PERIOD?
After class, my English class was canceled, so I went to the parking lot to go home.
I ran into some friends and began to tell them the story VERY loudly.
Little did I know, Zeus was getting high in a car near me in the parking lot.
I didn't care, however.
I escalated my voice, cupped my hands over my mouth, and began shouting all my feelings towards the car he was in.
I found out later via text messages that Zeus and Athena went back into the classroom and went on a couple different rants about me.
Then asked people not to tell me.
Sorry, Greek Gods, I'm well liked.
I'm going to find out.
The next class period a few days later, I was cordial to Athena and she was cordial to me.
I'm sure we both feel the same way about each other, but we keep it to ourselves.
Zeus had to do the whole handshake and ask if everything is cool.
Don't bring that BS here.
Then later, in our night class, he brought the incident up.
"I broke you guys up didn't I?" he asked.
"If you call it that." I replied.
Thank Heavens our mutual friend (who was mentioned earlier as the girl he clings to) was there and she cosigned for ME this time saying, "Or did you choose a side?"
Zeus couldn't even answer.
They think they do SO much for the paper.
They write small, simple stories, the rest of us write stories.
They help form the pages, we help form the pages.
They hand out the papers during class in the heat, we hand out the papers during class in the heat.
Zeus takes the paper to be published. (WOOH!)
And they both "edit" the stories sent in by us and the other journalism class.
So, what DO they do as head editors?
You've got me.
One girl called them out on the errors in the stories after the "editing."
Athena's response was, "I look for little grammatical errors. You should know how to write a story."
I stayed out of this one because it didn't involve me.
However, I had to bite my tongue hard.
YOU took on the job as head editor.
No one even likes you two.
They just tolerate your cockiness and your ignorance.
You ain't nothing to me, and you never will be!!