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Friday, December 3, 2010

Everything is Bad for You, Not Just Ground Beef

Why is it that people just HAVE the need to look, sound, and mostly FEEL smarter than you?

Informing you of things that you could really care less about.

It is especially annoying when they try and tell you what's bad for you.

I can understand if someone just wants to let their friends know about something they've discovered and/or heard about.

It just may be that much interesting and informative.

However, why do people try and sound so smart when they tell you, and RIGHT when they tell you too?

They don't even wait for you to  begin arguing or asking unsure questions.

They just let you know.
So, you've got to let THEM know.

The latest ordeal with this topic that I've come across recently was that ground beef was bad for you.


Ground beef is the key ingredient to the all American meal: the hamburger.

Hamburgers have been around for who knows how long right about now.

You eat them, your parents eat them, your friends eat them, your friends' sisters eat them.

 Why all of a sudden is it NOT safe to eat ground up cow on wheat?

It's been eaten for years!!

Look at your parents.
Look at your parents' parents.
They're fine from burgers, n'est-ce pas?
YOU will be too.

In the 1950's, people would eat butter like it was no one's business.

It stopped being consumed as much once it was discovered that it isn't the healthiest thing to be eaten.

However, we're all here today, so I'm sure not much damage was caused by butter.

Not to mention it's still being consumed today.

And news flash, people: ANYTHING and EVERYTHING out there can be bad for you.

A woman died this year after winning a lobster eating contest.
I guess too much sea food, particularly shell fish, consumed by a single individual is bad due to the fact that sea food can never be fully, properly cleaned.
It's been in the ocean all of its life.
People still eat lobster and crab, n'est-ce pas?

U.S. vegetables have had Escherichia Coli (e coli)  scares at least twice this year alone.
People still love and eat those vegetables, because they're "good for you," n'est-ce pas?

Eggs had a BIG scare, and a massive recall this year due to salmonella.
And people are STILL eating omelets, n'est-ce pas?

And not to mention all of the sugars and carbohydrates in every meal in the world.

You know, the same carbs that everyone is oh so worried about putting in their bodies nowadays.


I'm sure you all can see what I'm getting at with this.

It's okay to eat things that are bad for you.

Let alone ground beef of all things, because EVERYTHING IS BAD FOR YOU!! 

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